Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

i've had scambled eggs (3) for the last 4 days in my 'just say no to carbs' diet. will prob go back to 64-65kg, now drinking some award winning traditional suffolk beer
tis okay, a little while til the next comp, might be the British Championships. should I open this bottle from St Peter's Brewery, it's getting late but another cliffhanger ending on Dexter
More of a cliffhanger on Channel 5. Tyson Fury v Dereck Chisora for the British Heavyweight Boxing Championship.
i haven't got terrestrial television though, despite what TV Licencing thinks. just me, the bear and a couple of computers
Ah yes. But the lovely people at the licensing place insist you have a licence to own and use any device capable of playing or receiving tv shows. Since the BBC and the rest now broadcast over the interweb. You need one even if you only have a PC. Apparently.

So the next Hollywood ass wipe who dare says I don't have the right to just watch whatever I want on my PC may find themselves abandoned naked in the Shetland islands in a field with a bull during bovine mating season with no memory as to how they got there.
there aren't many bulls up there, or there wasn't when I lived there. to be fair to the Beeb one of the presents I received for my recent birthday (that I haven't had cakes for yet) was an old series I really liked called 'This Life' (not to be confused with That's Life)
spending multiple hours wondering where my glasses are, and only just now seeing them behind the screen of the laptop...

and before anyone asks, yes, i left the pc more than once in those multiple hours.
i've just remembered that i've seen diabetics carry packets of sugar around for hypoglycemic episodes. obviously won't help NOW, but maybe it might be worth investing in some to keep near at all times? maybe you could get them free from cafés or something, to cover costs?
Grrrrrrrrr just figured out why my iPod dock doesn't like the iPod (now I've got a new battery for my vernier). Turns out the connector on the dock is about half a mil too big Brilliant quality, Bush Audio

Now the question is do I get a replacement (40 watt goodness when all the others are 30W or less) or get my £30 back and go hunting for a similar yet better made one?
Flying to Stockholm tomorrow afternoon and staying there till Friday. The grrr part will be spending time with, sharing a hotel room with and having to eat with Antifoodie!

mmm audio goodness!