Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

indeed. neither did i. in hindsight, i should have put a 'don't ask' in the original grrr post.

grrr to hindsight being always so late.
wiki link removed for the sake of good taste, apologies to anyone who might have seen it and been disturbed or grossed out by it.

grrr to not thinking before i reply.
You worry too much. I just have a vivid imagination and I don't need to imagine that lucky I'm on a rest day and not full of protein shake
When i get to work and get all ready to jump onto my nice big fat forklift. just to find out someone left it outside. in the rain. at the back of the site. with no propane.

Shave them, keep the hair, when you have enough knit a sweater, pretend it's reindeer fur and sell it for a lot of money to unsuspecting tourists!