Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Oh and frodo, I feel for you with the anti food friend.

Food festivals can be such magical places with all the sights and smells you'd have to be with an equal minded close friend.
I try to distance myself from these kind of people as I'm sure you do too, having no choice is awful.

So there you go your map friends are thinking of you.
Vlech! That would drive me insane too. I hate weak personalities. I feel for you having to spend time with her all the time...
0.5? that's nothing. I dump more than that
You need to stop fretting about the little things like that.
I can and do vary 3kg depending in the time of day, you will even more so (you have an ewwww week which will cause a pretty irregular weight)

Fitness challenge, make a body comp change in the next 6 weeks (loose fat or gain muscle) and don't use a scale for whole thing. It will be the best thing you've ever done, you'll learn to use mirror tests, progress photo's etc and not rely on a flawed measure
Hell yeah, I'm up for that. Just gotta wait until my crappy oblique muscle is finished healing, then game on.
I notice that my body weight can shift up and down by about 2kg day to day too, which i pressume is mostly water as I doubt i eat 2kg of food a day, but a good bowel movement soon sorts it all out.

Actually i have increased my Kcals and now routinely consume 3000+ a day and my BW is static (relatively) even though i am not training heavy at all at the mo. The grr in this is it means i have to eat more, which is costly and time consuming particularly as i am for the first time ever actually eating clean-ish-ly-er.
Just could not relax in Tai Chi this morning. Useless would probably sum it up.

Back to the easy punching and kicking tomorrow.
Props for making the change though mate, nice one!

To up the cals in any meal add EVOO or crack an egg on while it's cooking, cheap and less time consuming.
I have a cold. I hate bloody colds. I hate how crappy my nose feels.

I can't even train to burn off that stress.

As always I am bang on the divide line between weight classes for my next comp and can't balance the knowledge that I'm going to carry on eating crap leading up to it which could tip me over, with knowing I'm not going to eat much on the day which could put me under.
I got a bit of foot cramp at the gym again! and I was drinking some salt solution drink! maybe not enough. Bought some Atlantic Sea Salt, hope this helps
You've done the right thing buying the sea salt; make sure you are hydrated before hitting the gym. We all carry a bottle to the gym, we are not so good at drinking beforehand.
Hi Simon,

Whilst it's nice to relax in Tai Chi, it's not absolutely necessary - the body awareness and the noticing of your state of relaxation and tension (and it's a moving continuum) is what is important...
Thanks Robert. Although right at the bottom of the Tai Chi ladder I am improving every lesson. My other martial ability does help with the understanding and I do utilise the structure in all of my other martial arts classes.

One day, I'm in it for the long term.

On another note I've just been to the pub with a guy I've been friends with since school.
Two pints of shandy. Oh yeah, hardcore me.
Not so much grrr, but more
Had to have one of my dogs put down on Friday. Had her for nearly 11 years since she was 7 weeks old.
She'd been ill for a while but it was still very quick. She was vomiting on Thursday, listless and sleepy. By Friday morning she was semi-conscious.
Quick trip to the vets and after much deliberation we decided that enough was enough and we made that awful decision. We still don't know what was really wrong with her but she'd had a life full of various illnesses and been going steadily downhill for some time.
Still got another dog that has never known life without her around so he's having to readjust too.