Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Same here.

Had a rear-end shunt in September. Company dealing with it are waiting to hear from the other end - apparently, there is an insurance policy on the vehicle, but the driver wasn't named on the policy.

I've had phone calls from the person that hit me. They want to 'settle it like gentlemen'. Which I assume means I'll need to buy some duelling pistols. Either that, or they want to pay their way out of it all.

Now then - in that situation, would you charge them through the nose for the repairs, for it to 'go away', or would you hand out a life lesson to the twonk who drove un-insured?
If you can afford to wait for the insurance to go through its process and are happy that you will get what you want out of it, then teach this guy a life lesson.

You paid your insurance, he should have done the same.
Shouldve called Police for the uninsured driver, who then turn up and remove the vehicle. They (the driver) then pays for the recovery of the vehicle and the storage of vehicle until they pay. Life Lesson - Paying the insurance is cheaper than paying the price.
Oh brilliant! Phoned the insurance today asking where the paperwork is and they told me that, because the incident was my fault and I'm 3PF&T they wont give me a thing even though my car is wrecked!

What's doing me in though is the fact that they didn't tell me this last week when I reported it. In fact they asked me if I wanted the paperwork by email or by post! I could have had the car scrapped last Wednesday, a new car bought at the weekend and be back on the road by now instead of relying on dad to get me to work!

Well done, Admiral Insurance. Don't think Deal or No Deal could have made £1100 for £50 of damage to the other car
A month ago I ordered a gel case for my phone (the awesome Samsung Galaxy S i9000) and it has still not arrived! To make matters worse, the git has left me positive feedback on ebay telling me that he hopes to deal with me again!


Dispute opened!
They assured me that the driver was insured at the scene. It's only recently come to light that the driver wasn't named on the policy.

Grrrrr..Should be on the piss now with Mitch instead of going to bed after just finishing work only to be back there in a few hours for another 14 hour day, got a freakin' parking ticket as well while I'm on a rant!!!!!!!!
I don't always keep up with the news, my mornings are pretty late so if I haven't caught up by lunchtime (in between doing a bit of work) then things slip, so was a bit surprised by the North-South Korea action. But if we are talking about numbers of dead how come the Cambodia bridge electrocution/stampede has so little coverage? I can see that in the bigger picture this could be like a Cuban Missile Crisis type situation but just maybe the media are as much at fault for making this stuff entertainment.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Tried to buy a few things off of 's Black Friday deals, but it seems they only have like 1 or 2 of each item and they're gone in seconds!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Grrrrrr DVLA. Just give me the tax for my car already! Grrrrr having to rely on the most unreliable car we have to get to work!
had todays lunch stolen by one of my colleagues at work. i mean there is taking a bit of milk, or a spoon of sugar but this is something else. if the culprit owns up tomorrow i'll have to call on the whole of my MA self discipline not to pulp them into the floor

Snow has brought traffic chaos to the North East. Cars are just crawling and police are all over, but no signs of the gritters in action. However, I found myself laughing at a pricey BMW trying to get up a hill but failing miserably. Sadly, as I rounded a corner I skidded into the path of an oncoming truck...


Luckily, my mad Mario Kart skills saved me - I eased off on the 1 button and then applied some gentle 2 button... Then threw a banana skin...

EDIT: Additonal GRRRRRRRRR!!! Looks like I'm the only one to have made it into work today... GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

We have no snow. After the snow earlier this year and it taking me 5 hours to get in to work, if it's like that again, I'm going nowhere. I wanted a snow day today.
no snow in Cambridge yet, though I've been passed by a gritter truck on the same stretch of road while cycling to class twice this week
Grrrr at English winters altogether. And grrrr at American visa laws for making me come back and endure them when I should be sunning it up in Arizona - highs of twenty degrees over the weekend! Grrrr I tells thee!