Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Oh, man-up and admit that your son can be, do, and watch whatever he wants to... and it doesn't take away from his sperm count, or testosterone value ;p

Maybe he's just using his testosterone for more useful things than growing hair... ;p
Eh, dont worry about it brother. look, when I was a kid I was probably the LEAST "manly" kid you'd have seen. Seriously. Here I sit, 14 years in the Army, Infantry, Drill Sgt, Bouncer, BBer, ridiculously good carpenter... Better a few moments NOW to get it out of his system and teach him how to endure that crap later when he's married, lol
Consider it training for husbandom
Fish, you have so MUCH testosterone you need to use it to grow hair so that other guys don't get jealous of your supreme manliness :)
Hey, I was just trying to be nice ;p Next time I'll insult you, since it apparently makes you feel better...
Portsmouth, the martial arts choice here is appalling. And While I'm at it the UK needs to get off its arse and open some wrestling in South England doing some Greco Roman once a week is not a lot to ask for. Such a big growth for offtopic over here and no damn real wrestling round here. Oh we have plenty of pro wrestling down here. Yay. But an hour's googling and no olympic wrestling. I am pissed.
I concur. I've been looking for a decent place to do some wrestling, with very little luck.

Might help but I think only the top one is real wrestling the other two I think are offtopic but I gave up trying to figure out shootfighters a while back
Stupid new works system. I have something to look at, pinned to a location '1093 metres from Blahblah Street'. Thanks, that's a 3.7 sq Km search area for my location.

What's wrong with 'outside 21 Yadda Avenue'?
Yeah. That's like if my mom said 'Someone quick, get a baby doll or Barbie set for Jessica to play with. I don't want her growing up to be an engineer/offtopic fighter/construction worker.'
If that's how it works my niece (one year old) is going to be Godzilla, or some similar monster.

My nephew (three years old) meanwhile is going to be either a playboy or a lech. I have taught him well.
It's called light hearted humour.

Jeez, take a chill pill.

The son in question does more chores around the house than all my other kids put together. Chores you may call womens work. I praise him, I don't call him a house wife.

Dear oh dear, do we really need to explain everything.

Fun people, fun.
You've got to remember, corona's got a boulder or two on her shoulders. I think she was just venting rather than attacking you as such.
Haha, in that case that's what I shoulda been too =]

I hated dolls and always played with things like toy motorcycles.
Lol I loved toy motorcycles, plus anything 3D like construction blocks.

And I liked to play games in which my Barbies had fights or jumped off things, rather than nice relational games, lol.
So you're going to be a builder who throws blonde girls off scaffolding?

Somehow that seems to fit.