Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

I find the best way to slow down my brain is to take a long, hot shower. I'll even lie down in the tub and stay there until the water goes cold, if that's how long it takes. It's almost as good as a professional massage. Plus, you get really, really clean :)
Alternatively, remind them of the starving Africans each and every single time they complain from then on until they get the point. Oh yes. I am one annoying bastard sometimes.

Tip for you - get some Epsom salts (magnesium carbonate) for the next long soak in the bath you have. You can pick some up reasonably cheaply on ebay, either in small amounts or in bulk. It's absorbed through the skin and the magnesium helps relax you. You may well find it works a lot better than just hot water alone.
Actually, it's a shower, not a bath. I don't fit into my tub very well, and bits of me get cold... which isn't relaxing at all. Plus, I find the water drumming into my skin to be helpful in making my brain stop running in circles. It gives me something to focus on, almost like active meditation. I get some of my best story ideas that way.
Blade, I barely know what to do with ONE woman... I'd probably just stand there scratchin my chin and shakin my head in confusion.
Ah, ok. The "lying there till the water gets cold" bit made me think you had both shower and bath. I'm guessing you have a hot tank then. Combi boiler here.

So yeah, epsom salts and showers don't work quite so well.
Yeah, not quite so well. I could get damp, dust myself down, and then stand there for a while before getting into the shower :)

What is a 'combi boiler'??
Ha ha! Let me put it this way - my boss allows a certain amount of flexitime. If he didn't then I might have lost my job a long time ago.
If i've told them once...........

Do not block the doorway with your junk.

So I've just come home and found a bag of pegs right across my path. Only one thing to do. Boot it into oblivion. Damn wife/kids (no one is owning up) with have to pick it all up. Bits everywhere.

I feel so much better now.
GRRRR at people i know in real life and who called me a spoiled princess who has her parents wrapped around her thumb and gets everything she wants. There was a seminar last night and tournament today of shotokan that I couldn't go to because i had no ride. So to the people who put me down like that- YOU SUCK!!
It is a wonderful invention which is an absolute life saver when you come in freezing cold and just want to dive into the shower - you actually can just jump in, and it's hot!
Urgently required.

A mechano set or motorbike engine for my son to take to bits and rebuild.

He is upstairs with my wife and little girl watching The X Factor.

No chance of him becoming the next Brunel then.