Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Mischievous kittens Grrrrrrrr.

2 of my cats had kittens about 3 days apart so there are 9 of them about 7 weeks old right now running around the house making a huge mess and destroying things. Yesterday I came home to find one of them stuck in the back of a chair. The spokes that make up the back are wider at the top and narrower at the bottom so the kitten somehow got between them slid down and got stuck. I took him out and put him on the floor and he dragged himself straight to the water bowl without using his back legs at all. So watched him for a couple minutes hoping maybe his legs were asleep from being stuck but he didn't move them at all so I took him to the vets. Turns out he fractured his pelvis in two places. Now I have to wait and see if he damaged his nerves for going to the bathroom before I decide whether to get a ridiculously expensive operation on a kitten I wasn't planning to keep or keep it in a small confined area for a couple weeks and hope it heals naturally!
I've gotta sit through a two hour maths exam i can't do thats going to make me finish ten minutes late. On my last day.
Grrrr being loaded with swine flu. Multiple curries, OD'ing on lemsip and now working my way through a gallon of orange squash - so far no drop. Just what I need when I have a refereeing exam at some point soon (ie should have been last night) and a competition next week that needs some training for tonight

To break out the bottle of Bushmills to shift it or not?
GRRRRR, Yesterday I felt perfectly fine and went to the gym mid day as usual but as soon as I did my first bench press my shoulders were like WTF?? Probably shouldn't have lifted but I had already driven all the way to the gym and changed so I would have felt stupid leaving after one bench press so I continued lifting useing lighter weights than usual. I could feel them for the rest of the day and today can barely move my arms.
^ yeah that sux. I get weird stuff on my shoulders sometimes when I've carried heaps of stuff at work.

people who think they're the center of everything
What's with all the damn animals milling about in the street?

I was speeding along the A1058 and out of the corner of my eye I spotted one of those little yappy Paris Hilton dogs playing on the opposite carriage way. I'm fairly sure it'll be dead by now as it didn't seem all too fussed about cars roaring past it.

Then, 2 minutes later I head into the city centre and there's a duck crossing the road!!!

Grrrrrrrrrr spending an hour wondering why an image I've uploaded for a site isn't working and re-doing the flaming thing only to realise FTP is still set to ASCII upload from my latest MAP project instead of Auto

Not impressed with myself for that one!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at my boss. I've arranged my day around having my annual review, only to have it cancelled because my boss is on leave. Leave which wasn't booked (yet I try to book leave and it's declined).

Got told off for using elbows and face punches at TKD last night...and we weren't even making contact that night.

Then I get hit and the person I'm sparring is having a fit "Oh I hit you I'm sorry, sorry, you ok...etc" even though I was grinning my face off, saying, "Live with it, its OK, don't worry, s..tuff happens, blah blah blah"

Really unimpressed with TKD right now.
I just couldn't be bothered.......It's boring God-forsaken work until something meaty comes in.