Thick homemade gummi candy recipe?


May 13, 2008
I'm looking for one that's similar to Haribo's gummies in mouth-feel. I got spoiled by German-style Gold-Bears early in life, and now most American gummies just seem way too soft and sugary to me.

I think I'd have to use gum arabic in addition to or instead of gelatin to get them that thick, but I have no idea how much to add or when to mix it in. All the recipes I'm finding on the Internet only have gelatin to firm them up--and many say they're even softer than the ones you get in American candy stores!

Also, am I correct in assuming that the sugar is JUST for flavoring, and that you don't need lots of sugar for them to set right? Because I'm getting mixed messages on the amount of sugar you need too. (I'm going for as low sugar as I can get while still using fruit juices for flavoring.)