The Ultimate Sandwich thread!

Actually you can get different kinds of swiss cheese if you go to expensive groceries or specialty stores in the US.

I don't know all about cheese or anything, but I shop at costco from time to time and they have 3-4 varieties of swiss/finlandian cheeses there.
Over here it isn't man, but hey it's the country that spawns it... LOL

Gouda is actually the most eaten cheese in The Netherlands. I think about 80 % of the cheese is Gouda. But you have it in different varieties of course.

Actually, its MAASlander... and you should be able to get it at a deli maybe.
It's very good... creamy kind of cheese. You have a yellow/red one (like in the picture, it's a spiced up cheese) and a yellow/green one (my favourite, extra creamy). If you ever get the chance, taste it... it's really good.

It's wonderful isn't it ???
Apologies - didn't check what I wrote! I was probably thinking of Leerdammer when I wrote it. Is that from Holland?
Damn Johnno, I totally forgot about that one...

You're totally right, it's made in a town called Leerdam LOL... and this is actually quite a good cheese too...
So what is your Ultimate Sandwich?

Mine would have to be cheese and pickle, whihc I am eating at this moment in time...
i like pastrami and pickle if i'm making it.

Or the chicken terryaki from Subway with Jalapeno's if i'm not!!
Hey what about my wifes Chicken sandwich you're always raving about! and yes Greg I do mean sandwich not baps!
There's already a thread on sandwiches:

But, for the record an all meat (chicken, ham, beef, lamb) one with tomato sauce, mayo and cheese is the ultimate in cutting edge 21st century sandwich technology (with Intel inside). If you add a few ready salted crisps in the said sandwich then it's like upgrading from a Colecovision to an Xbox360! However, if you add salad to it then it's the reverse...
Merged the threads for tidiness's sake.

Hmmmm- blackened chicken and avacado makes the best sandwhich. Man, now I am hungry!
Thanks wrydolphin, I have to admit, I didn't do a search before I posted the thread.
one drunken night a long time ago we invented the Cheesy Wotsit and Mayonnaise sandwich.

Sounds disgraceful but it's become a Sunday morning treat ever since.
Well, my friends say its not actually a sandwich and that its pathetic.


One slice of toasted soy & linseed bread

That's it.