The Twilight Thread... a serious discussion

I suspended judgement until I saw it. Now though, I say this: How in hell is it possible to make a vampire movie so BORING? And the sparkling thing is silly.
I actually like True Blood, i think Twilight is terrible.
What's immensely funny is despite the camp, even openly gay, vampires in True Blood, the vampires in Twilight seem much more camp.
All this talk of Twilight made me go and rewatch Underworld.

There, at least, nothing sparkles; muzzle flashes notwithstanding.
I don't get why some girls and young women like to identify with Bella.

Why would you want to identify with a wet rag who does nothing for herself?
Because they are wet rags who want a mysterious stranger to save them from their mediocre existence and make them "special' too
THIS is proper vampire media:

"Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines" Intro - YouTube

(and it also has werewolves)
Vampires this, vampires that... come on, people, no werewolf love?

Dog Soldiers trailer 2 - YouTube
It's a clever marketing ploy by the author. She intentionally left Bella a blank slate so that more women could identify with her. I've never read the book but I found out that there is no actual description of Bella in the books.
Has it been long enough for us to admit that only the first three seasons of Buffy were any good and once it stopped being funny, it stopped being worth watching?

don't we all watch the reruns anyway?!?!

incidentally, buffy would stomp twilight ass.
