The Tardy Excuse Thread


New member
Apr 23, 2008
If you have any good tardy excuse, take a picture of it and post it up. Assuming other tardy systems include slips similar to mine.

not my best, but will get this started

"can translate if needed"
Our tardy system has no excuses. You walk in, get your note, and go to class. You get 5 tardies and go to ISS.

The trick is, fill your schedules with teachers who aren't fans of the tardy system, or are very gullible.
i have ocd so i had to take 1 step back for every 2 steps i took and i live across town and to get out of my house i need a code but i have short term memory loss so i had to use hax and i forgot where my computer was so i had to find my computer to hack out of my house so i could ocd walk to school and that is why i am late
My teachers usually didn't really care because they liked me, or they were really anal about it, so I'd just show up on time.
3 tardys=detention
just say you were taking a shit
people will laugh and the teacher will be like OH MY GOSH

I always just say I had to stop and get gas or there was a lane closed on _____ street because I'm always traveling between campuses.
Lol i got 14 tardies last year. 10= Saturday detention. Umm i used "my dog ate my car?"
My pen exploded all over my car windshield, so i had to ride my bike but i rode over glass and it got flat, then i walked, but i'm fat.