The Small Talk Holiday Scavenger Hunt of 07/08 Info (teams are full)

I mean, trade a shitty sweatshirt you get for a hat someone didn't really want.
same, except i do have a life.

yep. my college classes end the 13.

i have tons of prep time, and alot of my friends will be back from their universitys
Perfect timing due to my "When does your break start?" thread from earlier. Only Taco figured it out lawl.

As of now, I'm working on wording the draft style in a way that will work with everyone. It may be done through PM's though, so bear with me. It'll work out and be incredible :tup:
You sir are a genuis! This is like one of those movies where it all makes sense in the end but you were clueless throught the film!

Finals end the 14th, and I choose what hours I want to work over break, and im going on 2 road trips. So this should work out great for me :tup:

Eh the wording is tricky. Finals week soon though. Gotta rest up.

I'll finish the wording at work tomorrow, since I like this over my shitty job and update it tomorrow asap. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan, the teams will be done tomorrow or friday for you guys. The slightly longer wait will be worth it though.

whoops sorry i wasn't hear for the draft. i was watching transformers :D. im working tonight too. and going to a party tommorow night so if were doing the draft thing somehow ill just pick fluffymumkins or nick aldar and tell them to pick for me if we do it that way.
;) you know it.

Draft? Or random picking? It's up to you guis's.

:tup: deff. I hope so anyway..

Sorry man.. Read the original post. Teams are small and full. Keep a look out for the next one. It'll be all of ST again. So I can be over-worked at school and have this to fall back on when procrastinating!
I think it would be better to random pick instead of draft... Cuz that would keep from stacked teams... Or some argument I want him.. No I want him bla bla bla
draft FTW.

it just works.

besides, all the big-timers here are on the list, so the idea of it getting stacked is pretty far off....