***The Sickening Results Countdown Thread 2009****


New member
Feb 24, 2008
****The Sickening Results Countdown Thread 2009****

Yes, it is way too early. But we are having exams soon. It is strange but I think about days 'til study leave, days 'til exams and so naturally my grey matter decides to think about the dreaded RESULTS DAY which will naturally inflict fear and terror amongst those expecting them in the dreaded month, August.

Good luck to everyone, I hope you get the grades you want/get into the uni that you want.

I know this thread is sickengly early, but Results Day makes everyone want to vomit, and no-matter what is done, we can't escape it :(


Edit: Just realised this is in general chat. Mods - feel free to move accordingly!
It's just under a month until i sit my first ******* one. Bit ******* early to be thinking about results. Idiot.
whhaaaatttt I don't have my first exam for nearly 2 months! My first isn't till June 17th :sadnod:
Counting down to results?! already?!
Haha why are people getting annoyed and swearing at a thread just because it's too early?
Let the OP be worried, we all are too!

I definitely don't think that makes her an idiot in the slightest :confused: just nervous, people need to calm themselves.
Why thank-you nice person. + Rep for you!

Of course I'm nervous - just like most people really...