The Randomness Thread

I'm too old for that nonsense, good old fashioned TV is what this thread needs. Sensible childrens television.
Me: You know mate, milk isnt actually that good for you, apparently we have a hard time digesting it.

My mate: If its good enough for Leon, its good enough for me.

Man I so wanted to be on Fun House!!! The best I could have hoped for was the Yes No Gameshow on the Den.
walking round since after 8 this morning thinking it was a bit drafty....

... 10am I go to the toilet and realise my flys have been undone all morning
I always wanted a go in the fun house at the end, that was amazing!

I'd still love a go...

It just took me over 5 tries to complete a short idiot test.
Ahhhhh I remember the funhouse at Blackpool pleasure beach! The afternoons I spend in there when I was but a young lass
I have always thought the scariest rides at Blackpool pleasure beach where the B class rides,

AA - the big one - 'meh'
A - the other rides 'meh'
B - the dipper, a bit like sitting on a badly made wooden sofa and a creaky wooden rail - 'OHMYGOD I'M GOING TO FALL OUT AND THIS IS GOING TO FALL APART ANYSECOND PLEASE HELP ME MUUUUUM!'
That's true Axel! I used to have a weekend job there when I was about 15,my friends Dad was also a manager so we just used to get books and books of free tickets and spend all our time off there too