The Randomness Thread

I got rained on today. It was especially wet and especially cold. Not ideal golf playing conditions!
Random idea of the day was to set up a journal here for all the MAP development stuff so you can see what I'm working on and to save me hijacking threads to drop hints. Check the link in my sig to read it
I tried to make strawberry jelly the other day. I thought the water measurements were, you know, just rough guidelines. Two days later my jelly still isn't set.

Sam fails at jelly.
Funny you should say that, I have my window open and a man just walked past and let off a big fart as he went past the window! How rude!!!
Rubber boy on Americas Got Talent is err interesting...

I bet he's never had a gf, or at least he's never needed one
Only Gumby Grrl would think of that reason.

Looby - if you chase ever have need to chase someone down forcibly implant and break off the top.
I just found myself trying to eat my phone. Luckily its a nokia N73 so didn't swallow it !
Randomness thread eh? This could be cool.

I find it somewhat comical that the first post adds a disclaimer that we can only have this thread should no terms of service be broken.
Are you guys that bad about playing nicely?

Cinnamon graham crackers, peanut butter, and M&Ms dark is the BEST snack EVER for grabbing inbetween classes at the Dojo.
Is it better to not have people who accept you for what you're aren't supposed to think that you should be, or that might accept you for what you think you could become if you don't want to be what you used to think you shouldn't have become but wanted to be?