The Randomness Thread

Oh man, someone want to rename this the "H and G love in thread"

In other randomness I wore my contact lenses in the wrong eyes for 4 days last week. Went to offtopic with them wrong and could barely see anything
All this chatter about cheese has me wanting a spicy Italian sausage pizza with blue cheese crumbles on top with a cold ale on the side.
Eugh! Just come off a night shift - start a day shift in two hours for 9 hours, which will then be follwed two hours later by another nightshift!

Get a room

What was that cheesy moon song, where the moon looked like cheese....I think I left it around here somewhere in yesteryear....
Iggwaldo went shopping, spent all his money on a new TV, but sadly he is stuck in the toilet as he fell in while taking a poo.
I am having a fancy black forest ham and cheese sandwich after a morning at the gym.

Only the poshest ham for this posher