The people you live with and the stupid shit they do.

jsut do what they do to get back at them and ignore them when they call u out about it i do it to my parents all the time and they get pissed but i laugh at there dumbness
Well its not the physical open door that bothers me.. its them preaching on how we should do this and do that then they do some simple shit as to leaving a door open when its nearly impossible not to close it. I mean shit you opened it.. you know in your head its open.. close it!.. return it to the state it was in when you got there.

I got nailed right in my eye socket one night when some one left a cabnet door open in the laundry room which you have to go thru to get to the garage. I walked it off.. and left the cabnet open just the way it was when I found it. Hopfully some one else catches one to the face.

Its the damn double standard around here thats killing me.

If they want to do bullshit I have no problem with that.. but dont turn off my small 12" fan the second I walk out of my room complaing about the power bill when you leave 4 lights on that all have to be turned on manually and then leave the sliding glass door open.

She leaves the sliding glass door open so she can still hear the tv when she smokes ciggs.. but makes zero effort to blow the smoke away from the door.
So at night it smells like ciggs real bad. I smoke... but I have never smoked inside of any place I lived.
And we live in a very nice 5 bedroom half a million dollar home in an upscale neighborhood.. its not like were in a trailer.

I just needed some where to vent... after 5+ months of holding it in...
I know no one really gives a shit...
I don't think you family is leaving doors open. i think you got a huge fuckin rat in your house. It has figured out how to use doors ad everything
Well.. with 5 people including me and every ones bad habits our power bill is 400-500 a month. I think its around 300 something now but its not cheap.

My uncle was one of the first people to do credit card processing for online gambling sites. Made really great money.. but the goverment shut all that crap down.. then he got into a few other business but they kinda went down hill a little. And since he had cancer and stomach surgery things have been a little tighter then normal and his wife isnt use to having to think about how much she spends.
ohh so its kinda like they are loosing money since there is none commin in or is someone working and they also have to pay for the sergury and stuff so it sounds like they are trying to cut down on money thats y they are gettin on u about it
I dont do that for the simple reason that I dont want him saying

"Well you took mine, so I can take yours"
lol that thing where she turn ur fans off to save power but leaves the light on and the door open reminds me of my dad.

he replaced all the light bulbs in my house with energy efficient ones that dont do shit, theres 4 in the kitchen and when i turn them on they are hardly bright enough to light the kitchen. he does all of the pointless shit to save like ten bucks a month and then heres the kicker.......... he buys a fucking hummer. and as if the hummer isnt enough he puts another 4 grand worth of rims and tires on it . seven miles to the gallon and he bitches at me because leaving my computer on cost him an extra $1.35 a month
That's different. People's priorities can be different. Maybe he wants to save money in the home so he CAN buy the Hummer ;)
exactly thats why i give him the 1.35 a month and tell him to fuck off. but its not only that, he was bitching at me because i payed 90 bucks for my DP fusion when i had a perfectly good spyder. which i payed for both for with my own money. but he has an RC car that he has put over 1000 dollars in parts in to but deciedes he doesnt like it anymore so he sells in for 300 and buys a $1500 one.
if youre sick of it, give them an ultimatum. tell them that if they dont change their shit around and treat you with more respect, youre fucking out of there. you have no reason to be there, youre living in that house for their benefit. you could be living by yourself, doing what the fuck you want. they should be grateful that youre there at all. if they still treat you like shit, fuck 'em. leave. let them clean their own shit up.
hes there to help and he also doesnt have a job anymore and doesnt have to pay for anything which i wood go get a job so u have a reason to leave the house
he but he said he had to leave his job to go live with them. so they better be paying for his shit