the moon

dunno about we... but i came from mars touching the moon
This whole conspiracy theory thing is just stupid, we landed on the moon, I have family who saw the shuttle going up and the footage/pictures from the moon are pretty damn good. The rumor sites are a load of idiot garbage!
I don't know, I wasn't there to verify it. I remember the news and pictures. We had to land somewhere..Roswell? But with all the advances in the space shuttle program and this space station thing i see every morning , we're up there doing something.
Of course we did. A few points....

1. If America wanted to fake it - they'd have done a better job.

2. The Russians would have found out & blown the whole thing.

3. We'll find out soon enough anyway when the new satellite maps the far side of the moon - no lunar lander = we didn't go. It will be there!
Has anyone ever watched the actual film of the moon landing ??
If you have did you notice the flag blowing in the breeze ??
Breeze ??? you may ask what breeze lol, and lets face it the American goverment are """no I wont say it lolol"""

But you get my drift

The flag was waving as it was made to. No one wanted to see a limp American flag on the moon. Something I read said some electronic dealy made it flap around.
not what iv heard LOLOL but what the hell eh!! dont supose they found some little green men running around as well did they ? LOL seriously though think that one is always going to be one they argue about nobody likes to think they didnt do it first.

dude, its called vibrations. The flag was not "waving". With very little gravity to pull it down it naturally moves due to the inertia it had when they planted it in the moon.
Learn some physics and understand that all the arguments against a moon landing are stupid if you know even the most basic highschool level science.

check out this page

if you don't understand its reasoning then go back to school or buy an intro to physics book.
If they made it flap around with an electronic gizmo then the material of the flag must have been supported internally. If it was just a normal flag then no amount of flapping would keep the end of the flag up (at least not on the moon). If you drew a force diagram at the end point of the flag, you would see the resultant force is down. The flag will fall at an increasing rate due to Newtons second law. A flapping mechanism couldnt produce an upward vertical force at this point, at least not when there is an absence of an atmosphere.

To really disprove or prove this flag thingy we really need to see some video or a couple of stills not just one still. We could then make a more informed analysis with a bit of Newtonian physics and possibly some wave mechanics.

I thought the recent argument about the faking of the moon landing may have had some merit until I heard recently that Neil Armstrong belted a guy in the mouth who tried to tell him it was a fake about six months ago.

I guess he'd know.