The Five Best....

1. Henry Weinhardt's Root Beer

2. Thomas Kemper Root Beer

3. Thomas Kemper Black Cherry Soda

4. Vanilla Coke

5. Barq's Root Beer
The 5 best things I like doing...

(in no particular order)...

Watching my kids play and laugh...
Spending time with my wife and enjoying life with her...
Travelling... anywhere... anytime...
Practicing taiji and meditation...
Hitting the gym...

And there are sooooo many 5 best things from all over... where to start... where to end.... too. many. thoughts. head. now. exploding.
Aye 'tis a fair point, I hadn't considered that. Hhhmmmm....

*wanders off scatching head*
5 Best things in Puget Sound

1: Seafood
2: Coffee
3: Beer
4: Music
5: Nightlife

So I'm a Seattle-ite sue me!!!
5 best things to do when you're bored to death

5.) read other people's away messages
4.) make up funny away messages
3.) try to find answers for difficult questions in life, like, "if you choked a smurf, what color would it turn to?"
2.) do kata
1.) post here
5 Best Chinese foods

1: Moo-Goo Ghi Pan
2: Mu-Shu anything
3: Kung-Pow anything
4: Fried Rice
5: General Tao chicken
Dude, Ivar's! Ivar's Acres of Clams! That has to be on the list. Too much beer, aye?
Beer. Pyramid. The brewery is there. Right on. Free tours, free samples.
five best things to shoot at

5.) beer bottles
4.) beer cans
3.) square paper targets
2.) moving paper targets
1.) moving life size paper targets
I'm a purist - so I go with number 5 every time.

5 best uses for chocolate:

1. Large chocolate sponge cake with butter icing and chocolate button decoration.
2. Grated and sprinkled on a bannana or apple sandwich.
3. On ice cream. (Flake / buttons / grated / who cares)
4. Mixed grated varieties (plain / milk / white) and used as the whole filling in a sandwich.
5. With a good cup of coffee.

Posted with my best regards, and an expanding waistline
(in no particular order)

1. My great-grandfather lived here (after coming form Norway), my grandfather lived here, my father lived here, and now I live here.

2. My MA school, of course!

3. The view of Ballard at night from Greenwood Ave N & N 43rd St.

4. So much great live music that I take it almost entirely for granted.

5. Great record stores, especially Sonic Boom.
Root beer rules. I love root beer. I could go for some right now.
(But Dad's and Stewarts's are the best.)

Crap service! That's not good. I love their clam chowder.

And Pikes Place Market (I could spend half an hour just watching and listening as those dudes throw fish to rhymes), and being so close to Orcas Island, and that store with mummified three-headed pigs, and ... hey, I don't live there! What am I saying!
5 best motorcycles:

5 - Honda CBR1000RR
4 - Ducati Monster
3 - Ducati 749S
2 - Ducati FILA 999F04
1 - Ducati Desmodici RR - 220 rwHP!!!
Five favorite food treats (not counting candy):
1. sashimi
2. conch fritters
3. Stouffers french bread pizza (or most any other pizza)
4. crawfish etouffe
5. little egg salad sandwiches with a pot of English tea

Five favorite places to be in :
1. Paris, France
2. Scottish Highlands
3. Manhattan Beach, California
4. Key West, Florida
5. Seattle, Washington
Why is Seattle #5? It should be like #200. There's REALLY nothing here. I'd rather be in Alaska (seriously, it's TOO HOT here. )

Five best lagers:

1) Yebisu
2) Carling Premier
3) Lal Toofan
4) Stella Artois
5) Sapporo Black Label
Too hot, eh? Heh heh heh! I have lived in the Arizona desert most of my life, so to me, Seattle is cold, not hot.

(I've been to Alaska. Beautiful, yes, if you like snow and ice. I hate snow and ice. Yuck.)
I live in Auburn, which is like a 45min drive away, but I've been around Seattle.

Yes, too hot. I dunno why, but I just CANNOT stand heat. =/

Top 5 Comic mysteries -

Why does Superman wear his undies outside of trousers?

How does Spiderman pee, while his one piece costume is constantly under his clothes?

Does Invisible Girl (Susan Storm) really love Reed Richards (Elastic Man/Mister Fantastic) for the right reasons?

If Rhino is stuck in his suit, how does he go to the toilet?

and lastly.....

The Thing, what does, his 'thing' look like?

C' gotta be curious