the first time I smoked weed, why did this happen?


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Let me get you through the whole friggen story

Im a loser who was expelled from school when I was a freshman last year
my brother I guess told me I was going to miss out on smoking, and he really wanted me to do it to see how I would 'act' said I'd be the "best ever"

so he took me next door to his friends
and we all (3 dudes plus my bro) went in to the garage
they got the blunt ready, and they taught me how to smoke from it
after like 5 times from it, they asked if I was "feeling it" I said no
so they made me take 3 more but nothing happened

then they went upstairs to play video games...
and as I was walking up the stairs I felt it, time was going slower
then some dude threw something I forgot what at the garbage and I did like 50 flips in the air and caught it but then everyone laughed
my brother asked "what did you just do?" I told him I caught that thing I looked at my hand and it was gone then I saw it over on the ground and I was like "why did you guys put it over there!!!"
(I would never even say that if I was normal) then they all said "oh hella late reaction"
then I sat in the corner and tried to shut up and not do anything
but then the strangest but coolest thing happened

I started laughing at how I was going into this new world
I can't explain this new world but it was AWESOME
there was colors, me and awesome stuff
it all looked just too cool
I remember saying "oh my god this is awesome"
then I was in third person view of myself and I made myself get up and start to walk, too cool
BUT my bro showed me a video OF THIS EXACT POINT and I stood up walked funny and fell and laughed and saying "too awesome"
this went on forever just the best visualizing ever in this new world of mine
I eventually disappeared and it turned into those visualizers from the windows media player things
and then my bro said "OPEN YOUR EYES"
I did and I noticed everything was normal again but my tears were colors
and I replyed "im going back in, goodbye"
and the new world again that i can barely explain

it felt like hours
then it wore off finally
and my bro made me wash my face and walk around the neighborhood for a while to calm down cuz I was hyper a bit

then I went home and slept cuz I thought it was night
the whole thing lasted an hour but I thought it was 4

my bro told me I got more than just being high he said I hallucinated

but I knew marijuana only makes you chill or weird

he told me I could never do any drugs again because if I got this crazy with weed other drugs would take over me

NOW that you know this story
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???? why did weed do that to me?????
why cant I do other drugs?