The confession thread

I confess that I sit here all day on the net and do hardly any work at all (I never usually have any anyway).

I also confess that I'd forgotten to do one set of audits which I claimed to have conveniently never received when queried weeks later. Damn Outlook, so unreliable!

And I confess further than I 'still' haven't done that one set of audits, can Outlook be that unreliable I never received it a second time???
I have to confess that I really realy do not like my flatmates and am regularly faced with a moral dileofftopic which goes a bit like this:
Beat them to death and go to jail happy
Don't beat them to death and try to resist the above forever :/
had bilateral knee surgery... ... and the novelty has worn off... i confess my arms are really tired!
Think on the plus side - at least now when you are out of a wheelchair you will be among the minority of TKD'ers who can say they've trained their arms
Push them down the stairs and make it look like a accident. Take over the flat and live happy!

See that's Ninjer thinking for you
it is funny! i start rolling in circles when i get bored!

....and i confess that since i'm ADHD, that happens very frequently!
Race people down the corridors and everything! Great fun.
I do not confess I've done that in a hospital once when specifically told not to
I confess that I am one of that breed of man who finds it necessary to share his preferences in music with the world. I often turn my music up louder than necessary in order that my neighbours will hear it, and I... I sometimes speak in polemics regarding certain performers of popular music. Thank you for listening.
Oh, and I also confess that I am a thread necromancer.