The Confession Thread


i have come to the conclusion, after a few weeks of reading the bulk of your posts, that you are a very troubled, violent, frustrated young woman.
hiroji - looks like I have another fan

I'm really not like that its just that the MAP demographic (male dominated) doesn't accurately reflect the real world. Thus, some of my reactions may come across as the ranting of a volatile woman but are in fact just a defence mechanism.

I'm just a very sweet girl with an evil streak of humour

[Translation for bcullen: Lily good]
Yes, she's your typical misunderstood, Glenn Close, bunny boiling type.

[Translation for Lily: Lily, crazy]

hiroji - looks like I have another fan

Lily said:
I'm really not like that its just that the MAP demographic (male dominated) doesn't accurately reflect the real world. Thus, some of my reactions may come across as the ranting of a volatile woman but are in fact just a defence mechanism.

I'm just a very sweet girl with an evil streak of humour

[Translation for bcullen: Lily good]
And thus the reason we've come to love you. Of course you also have a hugh red target right on the end of your nose, but who's looking.

Oh Wait! I apologize, that's a Zit!
Nordic - I guess at your advanced age you can't see too well. Don't worry, I'll help you cross the roads when you're in Sydney

Hey, just because I fight back instead of baking cookies in the kitchen and accepting all the inflaofftopictory statements does not make me crazy.

bcullen, I prefer the word spirited. Crazy has too many negative connotations.
As long as I have you on my arm I don't care what you think.

As long as you're in the kitchen I could go for tuna sandwich on whole wheat.

Spirited is in fact what I'd call you. No joke this time.
I wrestle with my cat. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I wrestle with him or the fact that he seems to enjoy it. Yesterday, I GnP'd him. He was sitting there licking his chest and not paying any attention to me. I couldn't help myself. I sceamed out "Ground and pound!" and tackled him. I then proceeded to throw fake punches at him. He just sat there looking at me like, "alright buddy, you can get off any time you want". The funny thing is, whenever I do something like this he starts to purr, then he won't leave me alone!

He's my buddy though I've had him since he was a kitten and he's 14 now. He's slept in my room almost every night for the last 14 years. Even my girlfriend is starting to grow attached to him.
It's o.k, I confess I like "spirited" women.

There's no challenge in getting a dishrag to get you a sandwich.

If you had money you could be eccentric.