The blatant lies thread

I invented Martial Arts Planet because I had nothing better to do in my free time. Almost all people who post here are made up by me, they don't really exist. I now have several hundred alter egos, and I continue to invent more so it looks like people are really visiting this site in large numbers. In fact, aside from yourself, there are only five other real people on Martial Arts Planet. I was a little surprised when all of you showed up. BTW, almost all of the flame wars have been between my made up characters.

Incidentally, the advertising companies are also all made up.

Wow! It feels good to get that off my chest.
Well Buckeye Blue, I'm sorry to say that MAP sucks a lot it's boring, makes me wanna sleep, it almost gave me cancer, I get a lot of nightmares, and not so funny thoughts, and it's a total wreck of garbage that reeks like oh I dunno, like my crap left in the toilet for a few days...
I am frozen in a cryogenic chamber.

Isn't nature wonderful, for I am now part of a new art exhibition for sad pseudo people who believe art is the new black.
I am really looking forward to judging and selecting work for our next exhibition that is open submission.I LOVE paintings of kittens and combine harvesters!!!
You are not talking to yourself.

This message courtesy of Tyler Durden.

This is a positive sign that your psychosis is decreasing.
That comment troubles me as it is my goal to make people happy.

For those of you six real people who are wondering if I am just having an argument with myself (again), the truth is pretty obvious.