Teen sci fi book ideas?


New member
Jul 10, 2013
I like the classics Brave New World and 1984, but I also like modern books like The Hunger Games. Any suggestions? What are your favorite sci fi books?
Robert Heinlein wrote a lot of science fiction aimed at teen boys (in those days they didn't think that teen girls read science fiction) that I and other girls enjoyed. They're old, but they are still mostly good stories.

As for what I read, I read science fiction or fantasy, not sci-fi. Yes, there is a difference. "Bimbos of the Death Sun" would be a great title for a sci-fi book, if it weren't a great title for a great mystery. Basically, if it's got bad science and/or hack writing, it's probably sci-fi.

When I read science fiction, I vastly prefer to read hard science fiction. John Scalzi is my latest favorite author, but I love Vernor Vinge as well (except that he doesn't publish as quickly as I'd like). On the other hand, I also read Sheri S. Tepper, and her works have been described as ecofeminist dystopias, which isn't hard SF at all.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave you with a reading list. I don't like EVERY book on this list, but it's something that you can print out and take to the library with you: http://classics.jameswallaceharris.com/Essays/Classics_of_SF.html . Poke around the website a bit, and you'll find more recommendations. That should get you started.