1. 'HE DUMPED HER.' - I would have done too. Who would want to stay with someone like her? She's an utter disgrace. The photos of her on that beach are testament to this.

2. 'i would try and clear my head too and get as far away as possible' - But do you have children? Complete lack of responsibility imo, many women go through breakups/divorces who DON'T have a lot of money, and have children to look after through the difficult time...

3. 'She has never pretended to be an angel' - you can say that again. Far from it!

4. 'and of couse someone with her background' - so suddenly all working class people are irresponsible parents? A sweeping statement, and one that hardly redeems Miss Price's behaviour.

What sickens me about the pair of them is that they're completely loving this whole thing, it's free publicity and they're taking full advantage. I'd rather see someone in the papers for doing something worthwhile...I suppose the British public want this sort of thing though.
If I had to choose, it would be to support Andre. No offence, but dumping someone is not "getting away with blue murder" and Jordan has been acting like a right bitch the entire time, ******* random guys and getting drunk whilst Pete takes care of their kids, then she has the balls to ask him to take her back.

Nah, Pete's well shot of her.
You have a point on every number above except 4.. i meant she used to be a page3 glamour girl known for being a slut. :D
I am sick to death of hearing about this -

HOWEVER, if I had to choose, Team Andre.

I don't have a great deal of respect for either of them but I can safely say, Jordan/ Katie Price is a cold, shameless, uncaring, sluttish publicity whore and I despise her. She's an embarrassment to the human race.
she's a horrible piece of work. she was going on about how she's being made to look bad through "editing". Maybe it's just a BIG BIG conspiracy against her that in every single interview I saw of them (not that I care) she came accross as a bully and a self-obsessed egotist.
supposedly, katie had a miscarriage just 2 weeks before this whole thing errupted, so tbh, surely peter would have waited until a slightly better moment to end up separating from her.

go katie!
She might have just been ditched, but then plenty of couples break up. Yeah, okay, what she is doing by going off to Ibiza and partying would be okay if she didn't have children, but she does, and they need to come first. Instead, she thinks it's okay to basically abandon them so that she can party. Pah! It seems to me that she is seeking media attention from this and really needs to grow up. The way she tret Peter was appalling anyway, he really had little voice in their relationship, and he has stood up to her and she doesn't like it. She really annoys me.
She said this, but that was probably just for publicity. Besides, why should he stay with her out of sympathy? It wouldn't have just been her grieving for a child!
Team Katie :yes:
Though that TV interview she did just made her look like a right bitch.
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to those who were asking why you cared, and was defending you.

Although now I'm not sure why I bothered :rolleyes:
Agreed ;)

They are just as bad as each other craving the attention from the Press. I think they should just focus on the children to be honest.