Teacher gives swearing lesson to 9 year olds


Apr 3, 2008
Swearing lessons
An Austrian primary school teacher is facing the sack after giving a class of nine-year-olds a lesson in swear words.
Teacher Michael Brechter, 57, who teaches at the Kematen Primary School in the province of Upper Austria, asked the kids to write homework about words like 'arse', 'sh*t', 'moron' and 'tart'.
He said: "I was not teaching them anything they did not already know.
"It was an attempt to make school lively and fun. My ultimate aim was to show what words should not be used."
Showing them words they shouldn't be using by encouraging them to talk about them. Good move there, einstein. While we're here, let's make sure they know what cocaine smells like, shall we?

Dunno if it's worth sacking the person over it, given the age, it'll be hard to find another job probably, but I guess nobody's gonna feel the same about the teacher after that, so it was that or inevitable resign, I suppose.
I can see where he was coming from, if the kids understand why they shouldn't use the language maybe they will be less inclined to use it. Telling a kid not to do something is as futile as you can get.
my students use WAY worse language than that! i can see the benefit of having an assignment where they had to explain why NOT to use them...
Showed this to my economics teacher. she laughed then told me if i didnt get back to work id be doing detention after school. apparently she didnt find the idea that productive.
Yet setting out to understand what drugs do to the body is on every schools cirriculum, is that encouraging or discouraging? It's not the content but the context that counts.