tea room


Apr 11, 2008
The other thread I started about drinking tea got moved to off topic. Reason given was "lack of MA discussion".

So lately that got me thinking.. and that usually doesn't go well. so..

So seeing as all sorts of thread and discussions non martial are now ok here and in tai chi. eg. sex practice, medicine, philosophy, religion, circus side shows and tricks. Well I think it should be ok again to discuss how we enjoy drinking our tea.

Some Japanese even have a tea ceremony when they are feeling all zen like. I wonder what they get out of it though. What is the point of making a ceremony out of tea.

Is it about the flavour the tea bag or the taste?

But besides this formality a tea room can be a place for kung fu brothers and sisters to chill after (or often in between) their rigourous martial arts training. Mostly involving standing around. A good sit and a tea is really important.

Have a natter about training . . often drifting into "isn't this weather rubbish?" and sharing the odd anectote.

"it's so overcast, bloody clouds i hate them.." went and turned into a shaggy dog story.

Or. "isn't the government rubbish.."

So there you go any random chit chat IMA or otherwise bring to the forum tea room. It's for drinking tea and chit chatting about the weather,IMA random stuff and the quality of the tea around and about. All in themselves vital persuits for IMA.

Don't believe me?

Pure blissfull enlightenment will come at the end of your visit. (or the thread, whichever comes first)

The doors are open, welcome to the tea room.

ps. at the moment we only have pg tips, but are open to suggestions from any faithful patrons. Also buy 2 cups of tea and get the third free!!
*offer available for two weeks only.
**As always the management rulez apply.

cheers and enjoy.

animal styles ... who is best .. you decide!
