Tabacco products.

I prefer to live without shit in my lungs, or not have my jaw removed because it was cancerous.

If I want to smoke, I'll smoke something less toxic, like weed.

Or crack.
here thats a cheap pack .. if your paying 6 somthing here they are dirt smokes , they ususly go for 8-10
Yea, I was at a tin a dip and half a pack of smokes a day.

Marb Reds
Lucky Strikes
Salem Black Labels

Grizz Mint
Grizz Straight
Cope Whiskey
Cope Smooth Hickory
Skoal Straight
there is a tobacco thread, in the osst. there wat the MDT too but the modzis closed it for good. i miss it a lot:(
I smoke hookah, cigars, and cigarettes (though less cigarettes now), and I dip regularly.