Survey: Why do girls fight over cute/hot guys?


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Like in middle school and high school most girls want the hot boys for boyfriends to show off and be popular instead of liking them for their personality One of my cousins told me that her boyfriend is so handsome, good-looking and a down-to-earth guy with an very good personality and she's average, plain-jane. People tell her how lucky she is to have a guy that is beautiful inside and out, plus she get's bullied at school by other girls because she's dating the guy that girls go ga ga over and fight for him. He likes her more than those beautiful, popular girls. She got threatened, beaten, and got treated like garbage. Why are girls jealous when other girls are dating cute guys and fight for them?
I stay away from those motherf*ckers... Now that I know how poorly they treat girls.. Guys who rape girls aren't something to go ga-ga over....
Ever hear the saying "If I can't have you then no one will"? Well that how alot of teens's as simple as that. Sad but true.