Survey: Girls and guys opinions pleaseeee (:?


Apr 8, 2008
okay so valentines day is coming up... duhh! and I have a crush on a guy at my tiny (100 kids) high school. I was thinking about putting a bag of pink and red hersheys kisses in his file (everyone has one.. it's where you get homework back and stuff) good idea or not? also should I leave a note too? if so, saying what? thanks everyone!! God bless:)!!!

please specify if you are a girl or a guy, too. thanks :)
I would advise you not to let Hershey kiss him. You should kiss him yourself.
I am a girl. I say do it. If you don't you will probably regret doing it. Life is too short to be second guessing everything, so just do it and leave him a cute little note letting him know you hope he enjoys his candy and maybe you guys could go hang out somewhere. From there it might lead to a relationship
I'm a girl. I may be too serious but it sounds cheesy to me. Just tell him and after telling him and he likes u too then give him the things