Survey..Can you name something taught by your parents ?

Good question. No cos I taught myself everything as my old man was always away and I had no brothers so became street wise
and capable very young.
to take responsibly for my actions...;_ylt=AsYZ.vep8_J1XA3vZkxdmTrOxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090522020005AA5Gkrd
To do u r research, treat people as you would like to be treated. And from my Mom always dress nicely (no curlers in the hair, wearing slippers outside) you never know going to the corner store you might meet the President of the United States. Oh, and always wear clean underwear.
saying "NAMASTE"
(joining both ur hands and bowing a little) to ur relatives n loved ones...

to anyone who comes to ur house...

its a way of welcoming people in India
Not to wear my coat indoors. Mum always said "you wont feel the benefit when you go out"! I tell my daughter the same now and she is 15.