Stupid rules?


New member
May 18, 2008
Post stupid rules that your parents or other people give you.

1. my dad says its bad manners to wear a hat at a table, even if its like MC.donalds

2. i cant eat or drink anything in my room.

3. in my old school you weren't allowed to wear any socks or undershirts it they weren't white. i got a detention for wearing a black shirt under my polo.
1. No secksing the cats.
Girls can't wear sandals/flipflops in our skewl.
All of ST's stupid rules.
Yeah I could totally see how table manners and normal etiquette could be considered "stupid" rules.. I mean, when I lived at home, I wasn't even allowed to go anywhere without telling someone where I was going, how stupid!

i cant sex up my bother :(

must do all dishes, clean tables, vacuum, and dust after every meal.

mow lawn twice a week.

cant play WoW more than a half an hour

must practice violin for 4 hours a day

i hate my fucking rents