Student job pay


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Well I'm now facing my last week at school and realising that I'm going to need some money real soon if I hope to pay for offtopic, commuting, car and all that stuff. I have a vague idea of what minimum wage is and I can find out easily enough but I was wondering if its likely for me to be paid better as a student,and if possible some rough idea of what I could earn a month would be appreciated. If I can't get into the territorials I imagine I'm looking at shop work right?
thanks in advance!
They still bunk together? No seriously I have huge respect for all the armed forces but the army would be my first choice. Plus I have other career plans once I finish uni and as far as I know the navy doesn't have a part time thingy
So it's just a summer job. Sorry, thought you might be dumb. My bad.

Have you thought of working the summer season in Spain or somewhere?
Oh great just insult the kid. I struggle to pay for offtopic so getting abroad would be a pain and its not really a summer job. I should have time while I'm at college to work as well so I'm thinking maybe get a shop job during the summer then try and cut my hours back when I get my timetable. Co-op are good at that but they never got back to me. Couldn't read my writing i guess.
Print off a thousand CV's (get someone who works in an office to do it for free) and go for a walk. Every business you pass whether it be office/shop/factory walk in and ask about work. Be polite and offer a CV when they say no. It'll work.
cheers I'll give that a go tomorrow. Do i draw the line at forcing them to take one?
To me they're the less preferred version of underwear and I'm hoping thats what MD means. This is Britian after all and we WILL use proper english
Thank god for google
I just like people to use the english language correctly. I'm sure you'd have something to say if i started saying innit every post like I do in real life
Southpaw, how about Door supervision? Your MA's should help on application and it's usually good pay, crappy hours though. Usually to get your licence you need around £500 but sometimes you can find places which will train you and then take it out of your wage.
Have to be 18 to work the doors.

I wouldn't worry about pay at the moment, I'd worry about getting a job full stop. This is absolutely the worst time in decaded to be looking for a job, even the most low paid menial vacancy has a pile of potential applicants many of whom will be older and more experienced than you. That's the cold hard truth. Your CV and covering letter will have to be awesome just to get an interview and unless secondary education has improved drastically since I went through it, you wont have been taught how to put one together properly.