strecthed ears?

yea ... did anyone see that epidsode of made where the kid had gauges and took them out, then he wouldnt cut his hair because it was the only thing that could cover his nasty lobes that looked like they had been chewed up by dogs
if streched right they can shrink right back down with no problem

if they rip or leave a blowout long enough it most likely wont...also have a friend/managerthat was up to a 1 1/2 inch at one point but also ripped his ears multiple times while streching and his have gotten back down to about a 00ish
depends, im actualy thinking of doing mine, but not too big, so they dont look retarded when i want to get rid of em
I'm at 9/16''. I've left them out for a while and mine close pretty fast. It all has to do with your body. Certain peoples ears heal really fast, and well, while others don't really heal well at all. For the people saying they'll look horrible when we're older, no they won't look the same, but they won't look like shit either... That is unless you're a tard and do it wrong.
i saw a dude with some big ass holes in his ears once, i wanted to stick a banana in it......i dont know why :l
mine are 3/4ths on my way to the one inch club fuck letting them close i want mine when im 60 years old and shitting my pants
I don't think like the little 1/4'' look bad at all but anything bigger than that looks gay as hell and those people will never be taken seryously.

I do not have them.
seriously ? why can't "those people" be taken seriously ? because close minded people such as yourself can't accept it? having stretched lobes is no big deal its an earlobe who GIVES A FUCK no one freaks out when you see people with big earings, same shit