Strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and depression.

You know my ex once removed (does that make sense?) used to do that and it actually worked she would allow me to be depressed.
Can you explain the benefits these will provide someone who is suffering this condition?

Can you tell someone who is going through this why those will work?

That's where the contention is, instead of simply explaining you've dodged giving any answers.
I thought his explanations were rather slimy.

You do know that humor is good for depression.
I can't. But someone might read them and things will fall into place for them. That's the best I can do to describe it.

I didn't intend to derail the discussions of clinical depression, but the OP asked for strategies so I gave him mine. A koan is like a strategy.

I'll tell you this much: If the koans had answers they'd be pretty useless.
IMO all of the above is right, to one degree or another.

We can challenge our beliefs, learn to change faulty thinking and distortions.

However ideally that needs to be in collaboration with a skilled therapist who can not only educate you but will challenge you in the process. It's far too easy to be self deceptive when you are like this.

The major problem though is if the individual is so far along the scale that talking therapy isn't an option, for some this probably won't be appropriate because they have enough trouble getting out of bed never mind leaving the house to attend an appointment or talk to someone they haven't met before.

Some people are reluctant to have meds but there are times, I've found, when meds are exactly the answer because you can't do anything else yourself.

The solution should be based on the individual and wholistic in nature, again IMO.
Without getting into to much detail about myself.. I will say from the time I was about 5 until about 3-4 years ago I have been to... well i'll say 15 counselors, therapists and psychologists/psychiatrists... I will estimate that at least 50% of them worked with me on thought patterns/CBT.

Will training your thoughts alone help you out of a slump? No they will not. Chemically the brain can and does rewire itself and it can change ones brain chemistry. There is nothing wrong with adding medication to the mix to aid with these chemicals in order to let the person learn these thought changes without having to deal with the symptoms of depression at the same time.

I'm sorry if Canuck doesn't agree with me, but the simple fact is that not only is it very typically used, but it also works for many people (do a quick google search if you think you know better). Depression is an extremely treatable when treated the right way.

The important thing to remember is that the same thing will not work for the same people.
I actually take a lot of offense to this statement. You think that I would just comment on something like this in which I have no clue about? Go ahead then if you know so much and challenge me on your "knowledge" because I've been through it in real life... not in a book or through tv documentaries like so many internet psychiatrists.
I thought EVERYONE responding to this thread was a "Skilled Therapist"?

Afterall, the OP came here seeking

When people ask a question here they are going to get opinions, and they can judge for themselves which to listen to and which not to.

Occasionally someone asks a question and someone with genuine professional expertise happens to read it and respond. But most of the time it's just ordinary MAP members expressing an opinion as a genuine response to another member's question. I don't see anyone trying to pass themselves off as an expert when they aren't.
No, you're right... we should all drop it and just try to give some helpful insight. I gave mine already, so everyone else should just add their own.