Straight Razors and Shaving Badgers

The hair is from the tail of the badge, it sheds just like a dog or cat and viola' there's your brush. I know the feeling, I prefer using a brush and soap myself. However, very difficult to travel by air with a stright razor unless you're checking bags. Which I try to avoid doing.
Ahhh.. ok so my badger hair shaving brush is guilt free then!

And yes the travel by air with a straight razor definitely means checking baggage which isn't always possible unfortunately.
ROFLing my ass off!

"Don't mess with that guy, he's one badger-shaving bastard!"

That is now my archetype of hardness!
Nordic as you well know shaved pussy is a whole other paradigm!

Sometimes finding shaved pussy can be a whole lot harder than shavin' a badger.
If you can happily have an animal killed so you can eat its meat, why are you worried about a badger dying so you can have a brush?
The point is they both provide something you want with their death. That's survival of the fittest

Although the badger doesn't actually die, anyway.
I wonder what badger tastes like? =o

(Please no beaver jokes on that one )
Apparently not. According to what's been posted... badgers shed that fur which is then collected and made into brushes for the badger hair brush shaving population to buy guilt free.

I think you need to check your definition of survival of the fittest. It hardly applies to this situation. Nice try though.

Everyone knows that answer... it's a like zoology class and then some...

- Smell's like fish...

- Taste's like chicken...

- Texture is slippery like a snail..

- Has a quality tang and copius amounts of cottage cheese froth!

(WOW! No beaver even mentioned!!)
I know, I already mentioned that in the post. It was more a hypothetical/philosophical type statement, and based on your original post about having guilt about badgers potentially dying.

I didn't quite mean it like that. What I meant was, we have the ability to turn creatures into useful objects as well as food, so, why shouldn't we? More importantly, why is there less guilt associated with eating than utilising? They're both forms of consumption
I announced last night to my wife that I want a straight razor. Without even a pause or a glance she said no, that I'd cut my head off.

But then she added that she's seen them for sale at the local knife shop.

I wonder if Santa's elves make these things at the North Pole, eh?
That sounds like a green light to me.

I have a sudden craving for badger steak. What am I gonna do now?