Stop the Press. Thatcher is doing fine.

Hilarious, you could not make this script up
Tried to reply last night but my computer crashed. (Old computers aren't as cool as old cars.)


'78 UC Torana hatchback. A classic piece of steel that will still be on the road when today's models are on the scrapheap. A nicer ride than public transport and a lot more reliable.

Not race as such - the culture that comes along with it. Australia's current government is spectacularly inefficient. The only thing they can do with any degree of competence is restrict people's rights. That they can do with the stroke of a pen.
The children of asian immigrants in Australia notably outperform their white counterparts in school. They value their education and the work a lot harder. So in short, yes, I firmly believe that ethnic background has a large part to play.
Dear All,
As a person who lives in an ex mining area[the N.E] I would think that undertakers from Wales, Nottingham and other areas where mines have closed down, would be offering their services free of charge,just to make sure Thatcher is dead and buried.Maybe would could apply to Argentina for a donation in her honour?? Not one penny of tax payers money should be spent on this woman.Cheers, Joe
Hi Folks,
It is me again!! Politicians :let us take stock here.Sad to say I believe there are very few politicians who really are honest and have a sense of morality.Take the expenses issue, some guys in effect stole money from the tax payer.Did they get kicked out of Parliament or long stretches of porridge?
Maggie, Bliar [sorry Blair}Cameron & Clegg -what a bunch.Maggie ruined our industrial base , made us dependent on imports of fuel, Blair -a warmonger , sending our young men into battle on a lie.Cameron/Clegg what a double act.Sucking up to Barack.
Enough to make you sick.Laurel and Hardy, with guys like them leading the country ,aided by bankers, tax evaders, what can we look forward to?Dearer Fags, expensive fuel, petrol-do they pay for their Daimlers/Jags?Increased cost of living.Road tolls.
Last but not least Gordon Brown, he sells the gold reserves for shirt buttons.Nice to peoples face until his micro phone incident.
They say the country is in a jam economically-w are all in the same boat.Like hell we are.Multi millionaires tax evade, the poor get their benefits cut, the middle income get taxed more.Need I say more.
I had more respect for John Prescott after he did that, because he acted like the average man in the street would, rather than like a politician.
I lost all respect for him after that incident.For a man of his build and former boxing experience he punches like a girl.

Thatcher? She was bad but I think this present lot are far worse,bunch of millionaire toffs who have never done a proper days work in their lives.Osborne had two jobs after leaving Oxford,the first was entering the names of dead people into an NHS computer and the second was refolding towels in Selfridges.After that daddy got him a job at Tory Central Office as an advisor.
I never vote for career politicians regardless of their affiliation. There are plenty in Labour with no real experience outside of The Party. Some are even mooted as real up-and-coming future political stars
(The current leader of Labour has spent almost his entire adult life inside the party machine.)
How were Thatcher's lot any different? Her cabinet was always full of millionaire toffs too!

The tories NEVER change. Always government by the rich, for the rich.
It was full of millionaire toffs but some of them did have life experience such as fighting in the war and serving in industry.It was Thatcher who transferred a lot of the long term unemployed onto incapacity benefit to get the unemployment figures down.At least it put a bit more money in the pocket of people who had little chance of finding work.The present lot have declared war on the disabled and have recently told 1,700 disabled Remploy workers they are to be made redundant.A despicable act that is being done to fund tax cuts for the super rich.

I fully agree but this lot have an unfortunate way of getting up the noses of the peasants and it will be their downfall.
I really hope that you are right. But having lived right through the thatcher years I suspect that the tories will get away with it yet again.

And I'm starting to believe that the single biggest legacy of thatcher was in turning the labour Party into Tory Lite - the workers' party that daren't call itself 'socialist' because 'middle England' won't vote for it if they do.