Stop the Press. Thatcher is doing fine.

I'm stocking up on bunting; prices will skyrocket when she finally rejoins the mothership.
talking of old PMs have you seen the pic of Tony in today's Guardian? Priceless
Nice to see Tony standing up for his morals and beliefs again....oh, wait...

Say what you want about Maggie, you always knew what she was about and she would tell you accordingly. Whether you agree or not with her she had the courage of her convictions.

I will take her over any number of the backstabbing, hypocritical, two-faced weasels like Blair or Brown
Hmm... I don't think this has always been the case. In fact I know it hasn't, prior to the handover there administration was a mix of both British and Asian. Though I'm curious what you think race has to do with it. Do you really think it's race that makes the difference in the administration?
Unfortunately Sol, the sun in the sky, as opposed to the Scum, the sun in the newsagents, will be devoured by Thatcher if she ever catches sight of it. Experts hoped that with her advancing age her eyesight would allow a measure of leeway, but sadly Sol is simply too scared of her. If we bury her deep enough, it's hypothesised that her grave might get a bit of sunlight from time to time.

The experts who developed this hypothesis were somewhat vague on the subject of whether she had to be dead first.
All politicians are backstabbing, hypocritical, two-faced weasels. (Well, 99% of them anyway.)

Thatcher was as fake as any of them. Her image was carefully crafted by Saatchi & Saatchi, right down to her tone of voice. If you don't believe me, watch (and listen to) footage of her before and after her 'rebranding'.
Image change is one thing, but she did not speak out the side fo her mouth or court favour - she did what she wanted right or wrong, good or bad
i think that is the image she tried to build for herself, that of the tough woman who wouldn't compromise. Some people admired that, personally I just found it arrogant and narrow-minded. And like the rest of her carefully-cultivated public persona, I found it as fake as a three pound note.
Arrogant or not she spoke her mind and was consistent...consistently evil in some eyes, but at least you knew what she was standing for

Look at that milksop Blair in the posted vid - or Brown with his legendary "Mike still plugged in" gaffe...or "Two Jags" Prescott
Maybe we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one then. If you think she was genuine then you're entitled to your opinion, but I always found her to be the fakest and most two-faced politician of them all.