Spring/Summer Trend at your HighSchool?


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Whats the Fashion Trend at your HighSchool rightnow?
or what do you think is sooon going to be the trend this spring/summer?

I've seen many people wering bermuda plaid shorts, whats the treand in your school??

& one more question..do i you highschoolers wear dresses(like sundresses & stuff) in school? im a freshmen...i was jw.
well, its still pretty cold here
but most people wear v-necks, skinny jeans and gladiator sandals.
lots of people are wearing scarves like these:

pretty much everyone wears American Apparel too, especially their hoodies:

people are also wearing lots of high wasted floral skirts like these:

nobdy is really wearing dresses yet, like i said cus its still kind of cold, but many people did last year.

im a freshmen and i live in NY
plaid bermuda shorts were the trend last year. i'm pretty sure theyre not in style anymore, at our school at least.. dresses are alright, theyre not commonly worn, but if you want to wear a sundress, go ahead. at our school, it seems like hollister/abercrombie totes are going to be in, and denim bermudas/shorts. also any kinds of v-necks. a lot of people are wearing pacsun at my school now, idk why. hope i helped!
The trend?! whaaat are you talking about? There is no one trend for any season.... and its definitely not Bermuda's! Try reading real fashion mags like Vogue and W to learn about the real fashion trends (you can try teen vogue if those are too high fashion for you). Also sun dresses are always a good bet... Here are some things I might wear to school (I'm a sophomore and was voted most fashionable at my private school).


The other thing that is really in style is high waisted skirts
I know most of these are from urban outfitters but I find they have pretty reasonably priced things that are trendy and fashionable, especially for high schoolers. So take a look at these and if they aren't in your budget at least they will hopefully give you some good ideas!
Good luck!
i'm a freshman too, and it seems this year that people are straying from hollister/abercrombie looks because its too generic and middle-schoolish. pretty much everyone i know including me has worn a dress with leggings and flip-flops or cute flats to school, and if you don't then you're seen as unadventurous!
thin neon headbands are popular, and so are flowy, floral tops with skinny jeans. converse have become as popular as uggs!
let's see. having lots of friendship bracelets is also a trend, and the biggest trend of all is cardigans in springy colors.
i'm from massachusetts, btw.
hope this helps! :]
yeah, in my school in New Jersey, I don't know a single person who hasn't worn a dress to school at least once so far. I'm a freshman also and sundresses are a really big thing.

The two new latest trends are gladiator sandals (a lot of people have them) and neon clothing. I talked to a lady who owns a store in my town called Sweet Feet and she went to all the shows in Las Vegas and New York to buy new things for her store, and she said so much neon clothing is coming out!
no dresses, but at our school anything by hollister, abercrombie or TNA is in.