Spiritually venting, what's something that annoys you?


New member
Dec 17, 2009
About religion, or just whatever.

I'm trying to create a cathartic experience here. Ranting can be spiritually cleansing, what w/ ridding yourself of pent up negativity and whatnot.
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Entertainment & Music > Horoscopes
The wanton torture and defilement of the English language.

Addendum: Basil - "Islam is NOT a religion of violence, it's the most peaceful religion you'll ever find.."

Statistics do not support that claim. Much the contrary, Islam and Christianity are responsible for a significant majority of all the religiously-inspired violence that has ever taken place on this planet.

Wicca is the most peaceful religion you'll ever find.
About religion: When people feel the need to push their beliefs on others and/or tell them they're wrong for their beliefs or lack thereof.

In general: Bad drivers
About religion - all of it.

in general - teenage mothers with no jobs who spend their 'baby bonus' on a new T.V. then complain about the price of cigarettes going up.
The presence of Bronze Age mythology in a society where we're mapping the human genome, exploring other planets, and building particle colliders to learn about the origin of the universe.
It's very much like having witch doctors plying their trade in a modern hospital.
I know, that's why I come here, the catharsis. Venting about religion, specifically...

Ok, on facebook, the fundies drive me crayzay. They send me crazy links and post status updates about how we should be against gay marriage, and people of other religions. I'm drowning in fundies on there, even though I've de-friended most of them. But I grew up as a Christian fundamentalist, so I just know a lot of them.

I assume that's why a lot of atheists & agnostics hang out in r&s. It's good for the soul. I can vent openly about fundie sh*t, and listen to other atheist's/agnostic's viewpoints. I feel as though I am not the only person in the world who doesn't "love the lord" when I'm here.
those who fail to see that those who can not " give/ donate" are JUST as valuable as those who can ....

Christians should be the FIRST to see the worth of the poor................the First to see them as human beings with talent and potential.
What annoys me the most is that everyone thinks that Islam is a religion of violence, and that everyone just focuses on degrading Islam..
Islam is NOT a religion of violence, it's the most peaceful religion you'll ever find..

@Alexis: Show me some proof of verses from the Quran to support your statement.. Don't cut out sentences from verses, show me the complete verse.
Peace be upon you..
The Christian Right's persistent attempts to rape the wonderful secular doctrine called "the separation of church and state," and their self-proclaimed righteousness in denying gays and lesbians equal rights - that's the big picture that really bothers/annoys me.

On a smaller scale, born-again Christians, Mormons, and JW's who want to save me from the fires of their imaginary hell by knocking on my door to convert me...what is the MATTER with these people?
Religious fundies who keep on repeating lies from that fairy book called the 'bible" and are too blind to notice how they are suckered by it. Then again, they need to be controlled when they can't think for themselves and don't know what is right or wrong. Don't you agree?
The refutation of basic science as "unproven". This steams my spiritual crockpot more than you could ever imagine.

EDIT: Jesus Chrysler hit it squarely on the head... and Instant Star too.
watch the clip in this question and you well certainly know
The overuse of ellipses. Especially when there are more than the appropriate 3 or 4 periods.
What's even worse is when someone uses commas for ellipses instead of periods.
Morons at Y!a who make ridiculous assumptions about matters not touched by my questions. And morons who spend time trying to find non-existent loopholes in questions instead of just giving their fcuking answer.

And there's no reason to think those morons are just theists.