Spiritually speaking, should Sharia law be introduced to North America?

There can only be one law, and it cannot be the law of any religion. Simply because America is a land of many people and many religions, and our constitution says our government cannot sponsor any one specific religion.
Yeah right, we need people to get a good old public flogging for getting caught holding hands in public.

Edit: Camille: Your religion is no better. You should actually read your barbaric Bible in it's entirety. The only difference is the US is a SECULAR nation that caused the watering down of most of the vile laws in the old testament. It wasn't that long ago where Christian theocracies ruled the people with just as barbaric laws as Sharia.
Good God -- NOOOO.

We don't need Sharia law, because we ALREADY HAVE adequate civil laws which protect the rights of all citizens (unlike Sharia law which really only protects men).

And further, although you're proud to be a Muslim, the vast majority of Americans are NOT and never will BE, Muslim, so we do not want religious laws imposed upon us.

Also, in every place where Sharia law is imposed, civil rights are trounced.

Forget it. No way. Not happening here.
Go ahead. Introduce it. We'll put you in jail when you begin to blow up everyone who disagrees with you. Murder isn't peaceful, bud.
Yeah and have you read Reliance of the Traveler? Tyranny equals ungodliness.
No. That's a violation of establishment clause of the first amendment.

No religion has ever made a nation more peaceful.
well, Americans are armed to the teeth (including women) so i doubt trying to enforce such medieval laws on the American citizenry would work. try it and see what happens. i dare ya.
you should get right back on that plane and leave. This country was founded on the principles of separation of church & state. Don;t like it? LEAVE! I have family who have died defending our rights. Take that Muslim crap elsewhere u fanatic. Thank God not all Muslims are like u.
No America is a Christian Nation.
So keep your muslim ideas to yourself.

Even Muslims who come to Christ do not want your muslim ways. Capish?
God loves you. If you turn to him and abandon your sinful religion, you will find joy and happiness. Sharia is for the weak who must have strong leaders punish them to keep them in line.