Sony Ericsson XPERIA Pro Video Problem !?


Aug 2, 2008
I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro MK16i. Its all working good, but there's a problem that I'm facing.
It all started like this...
Once, I had made a video using the main camera, and after viewing it, I deleted it as it was a little hazy. Now, when I put a movie (of .mp4 Format) in the device, it is shown in the gallery. The Problem comes here. The Video cover (.i.e. what one can see when the video is not opened, like if the movie is starting with a man, then the pic in the cover is of that man) is not what the movie starts with, but that of a screenshot from my video which i had deleted (the hazy video mentioned above)..
So, is there any way to overcome this problem?

Also, when I'm putting other videos in my Device, e.g. a music video of around 10 minutes, then there is nothing wrong with it !! But, when i put movies i.e. of big sizes, problem comes. the screenshot comes ! Please Help !!
There is a .thumbnail folder inside of the DCIM folder on the SD card, plug your phone into the PC and view as a usb drive... go in and delete the pictures from the thumbnail. You can delete the entire folder and when you access the gallery again it will repopulate again, but it may take a bit depending on the amount of pics you have.