Someone is spreading rumors about me, what would you do if it were you?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
So my fiance and I are planning on getting married next year. I have a family member who is harrasing me and spreading rumors that I am fornicating and that I am a WH0R3. If you know what I mean. This is totally untrue. The story of all of this starting is TOO long for me to write here. All I can say he is jealous. He is suing me for a fender bender that we had....he was not hurt and now he is going back saying he is hurt.... I am counter suing him and I have plenty of evidence that can be used in court. I was just wandering if the next time he harrases me...via text messaging/emailing. Can I get a warrant against him? I know a warrant cost money, but I have had just enough of him hurting my family like this. I know I should do nothing because he is going to get what he deserves, but what action can I do, because I dont want to take this matter into my hands....I want it the legal way... him to go to jail for what he has done to me.

long story short...he is frauding my insurance company.....I was the driver and he was the passenger...He DIDNT get hurt, but saying he got hurt. I HAVE evidence of this. And the money supposibly he is suing for is for medical bills, but I ALSO have evidence that he is not going to use law suit money that he hasn't gotten yet for a NEW car... go figure..

My insurance company IS looking into this. Its ALL frauding. It's just putting a hardship on the family. My family isn't well and its not helping their health if more its making them sicker.