Some say get rid of the unions, so you are willing to lose 40 hour work...


Feb 23, 2008
...week, paid vacations, medical ins.? safety rules, your pay scale?

You have forgotten that you can not take there's without them taking yours.

I'm going to suggest that those of you who hate unions have NEVER had to work for a living. You do not know what is is like to work for a Corporation that would KILL you for 50 cents. Have never had to work 50-60 hour weeks as your back or shoulder is being destroyed. Or had your right hand stay so numb that it no longer felt like your own.

I've dug ditch's in the mud, I,ve have shingled roofs, I've worked as a security guard, I've poured concrete.

Not one of these jobs even came close to the hard work of a UAW factory. Those people have earned every single penney of what they made.

You force them to take a cut, and you will have to take a cut.

True numbers. Ford was building 95 cars an hour, lines ran 100-120 hours a week every week for over 5 years. According to Ford There profit averaged $6,000 a car after taxes.

That is $3,260,400,000 clear profit per year from 1 plant.

Why shouldn't I expect to draw my retirement?
you should get your retirement. the people on the lines make more per hour than their counter parts who's company's show a profit. So who cares if any of the big 3 go under
I've worked since I was 15, and never for a union. I've always had full work weeks, some OVERFULL, always had paid vacations and benefits.

Unions have outlived their usefullness. Just look at all the abuses of the big union head honchos living off the "required" dues.

Non-union auto plants can make profits still, but their employees cost about 1/3 what union auto plants cost.

So, you'd rather drive the employer out of business, than take a pay cut?

Newsflash. Very, very few employers offer pensions any more. That's because, with the exception of government which will just raise taxes to pay for it, they can't AFFORD pensions. If your union drives your company bankrupt, you're going to lose your pension, AND retirement health benefits.

You wonder why jobs are being outsourced outside the USA? That's because American workers are too damned expensive to hire, at $30 an hour, and $2000 a month in benefits, and that $2000 a month in benefits to continue for 25 years on average after they retire.

I don't know ANYONE who's saying it's a cushy job, in a UAW factory. Although there are plenty, that say working for the union higher up gets you six figure salaries, and seven figure benefits. But you have to run the numbers.

I've NEVER bought single stocks from unionized businesses. And I've never bought any large cap mutual funds, because of their heavy investing in union businesses. They just aren't PROFITABLE enough to make it into MY portfolio. If you think they are, then buy the stock of your employer - put your money where your mouth is.

And don't confuse GROSS profit, with net profit - that $6,000 for each car, has to pay for all those retirement benefits, overhead, and taxes. When I look at the financial statements Ford files, it sure doesn't look like $3 billion in profit ANY year, let alone $3Billion in one plant.
yea i feel safer when some jack ASSS takes my union fees to represent me an then he doesn't no tanks i'll take my chances by myself unions have no real power corporations often find ways around union contracts an has for union pensions they're a joke in a couple of years when more an more people retire they'll see there's no money for them an i have worked 100 hours a week an been injured unions ha that's a joke