So why won't companies like Samsung and LG manufacture cell phones and gadgets in US?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
is it because they know it Obama is a failure and its not worth investing in US manufacturing?
Google says it manufactured android in US. Android is made in US.
however anroid manufacturing did not involve any humans. It was totally automated machine built from servers located in US. Is that the only type of manufacturing left now?
Do you know that the computer company Dell manufactured cell phones but they all failed miserably compared to samsung and LG even though Dell is an American company. Why?
It's because they are greedy, plain and simple. A company can still hire Americans and make a profit. It's just that they want bigger profit margins, and are destroying/destroyed the middle class as a result.
Cheaper to pay the people over seas.

>>>>TO THAT ONE GUY... I guess you were stating I was wrong. Well whats cheaper for a company, paying somebody 2 dollars and hour or 15 dollars an hour?
mostly to do with the rules and regulations of operating in the US. If you are an employer in the US, you will have bureaucrats yelling in your ear all day.
it costs more in the US and there are many more rules here like you cannot beat the employees the way they do in china