So do you Sit, or Stand on the wipe?


Apr 8, 2008
Im curious.. I hear people talk about standing and wiping their bottom after going potty. Personally I sit, and I didnt know if I have been doing it wrong all these years... Is ST full of Sitters or Standers?
I don't wipe I got a toilet that sprays water in my anus then has a quick air dry. No streaks left on the whitey tighties.
One time I heard about someone who stood. Then I found another one like a week after. Then I wondered if I had been doing it wrong so I tried standing. Fuckin sucked.
kind of an in between thing, the full squat makes it awkward to wipe and if you stand you cant get everything. I'm finna try the ones where they spray water through your crack, but depending on the water pressure butthole entry and post-entry leakage could be concerns.
I stand and do the captain on the bath tub ledge. I find it gives me the best ass coverage needed for a solid wipe

I remember this thread ways back when
I climb onto the counter and bend over in front of the mirror while I wipe to make sure every spec of shit is off.

It's very similar to mountain climbing.