So Christians since some of you disagree with some teachings, why do you


New member
Jun 4, 2008
follow Christianity? If you don't believe your own religion then why not look for another? Isn't saying you don't agree with everything in the bible like saying your God is wrong?
Example: The big gay rights debate.
Religion is an expression of faith. I don't follow expressions, and my faith is not about being part of the right social club or anything along those lines. I believe the Lord, and He is active in my life.

Peace be with you.
Just because some of us don't agree with the teachings Dosn't mean we should give up. You are a true follower of Christ than you will stick by him until the end.
Religions and their texts are riddled with contradictions and confusing messages. Why else would 34,000 denominations come out of just Christianity in just 2000 years.
Im not a Christian,, but to answer your question..."there are many reprobate silver (priest that have professed themselves to be wise & have changed the Uncorruptible Glory of GOD into a corruptible image of man) for this cause these priests have been rejected by GOD, because they covet the sins of GOD'S People so that their own abominable iniquities can be forgiven. Therefore these rejected priests go about & prey upon the scattered & lost flocks that are carried about by every wind of doctrine so that they can teach their own commandments as The Word of GOD."
There isn't anything in my religious sect that is officially supported that I don't agree with. If there was, I would still be looking.