so.. aren't you offended when Family Guy and South Park rips on religion...?


Oct 23, 2010
and god ??... i know, very untimely and controversial question.. but gotta be asked. how can you people not be offended or insulted when those shows make fun of God ????...
i believe in God. but i think family guy pokes fun at a lot of stuff.

and to those people saying God isn't real- don't speak on other people's behalfs, thank you very much.
No I'm not, some of it is messed up but it's all religions so it's not as bad as people make it out to be
Yea i know right?
I never always used to be religious and still hated it....
Not even religion all the time, it could just be about race too, even if im not that race...
I just don't find it funny, and im a very laid back person.
It just feels bad to watch it, like it will change me or some thing LMAO
This is that ginger kid on youtube ALL OVER AGAIN.
DUDE!!!!! IT'S JUST A FREAKING SHOW!!!!!!!! WHO GIVES A SH** WHAT THEY SAY!!!! omg i hate you kind of people that take what they say on tv WAY too seriously. retard.
Because it's entertainment and if we took everything seriously then it'd be a very miserable life to lead. People can still believe in God or any other religion and not get offended by things, it's called being open minded and having a sense of humour. The shows make fun of everything and everyone and we all know what to expect when we watch them. If you don't like it then don't watch. Sorted.
No because I am not religious. I am offended when they rip on immigrants however because I speak more than one language.