Snow pics


New member
Feb 12, 2008
OK, since we've finally got some snow here in England, let's share the beauty of this marvellous stuff and post up our pics of it here.
I should have got a few pics of the r/c's having a play around in the snow earlier. The three trucks were loving the stuff!

If we have a decent amount of snow I will get some
you guys don't have hardly any snow, come to Canada and you will see what real snow is, looks nice though
Tell me about it. If a man with dandruff sneezes down here they close one of the underground lines.
This is a spring day in Glasgow
Glasgow in the Snow - 12 March 2006
On the 11th high pressure formed over Scandinavia so that cold air arrived from the east. At the same time an Atlantic front was moving east and the result was a heavy snowfall during the early hours of the 12th. The worst affected area was the south-western half of Scotland (away from the coast) and 22 cm of snow was recorded at Glasgow.
The snow was accompanied by strong southerly's the photos of that morning when the city awoke to a thick blanket of snow.
my parents dogs went bonkers when they saw the snow, one was eating it and the other rolling about.

best snow we've had for 10+years
I feel cheated out this year. We've only had three days of winter. Or maybe four. I have not yet worn my winter coat. On the weekends I've wore shorts. Shorts! In February even!
We we're still awake so we went out at 5am when it started settling.

And here is when we woke up.
so we had an ice storm last week, good 6 inches of solid ice. no school half the week and then today, we had this freak snow squall...
this is from 2 min. after it started.