Since most homosexuals are atheists does that also mean that most atheists are gay?

Both sides of your premise are wrong.

Either you are a gay atheist yourself or you will be burning in hell for your condemnation per your own religion. Nice job.
You really are a moron.

Your premise is false.

Your prejudice is despicable

Your speculation is idiotic

Your God must be so proud.
I don't know where you got the impression homosexuals are atheists from. I've known a lot of Christian homosexuals. One was Jewish. Is that any closer?
Maybe it's because churches and Christians behave so hatefully toward gays. Or because gays, who know perfectly well that they didn't "choose" their orientation, can't bring themselves to believe that a deity would create them the way they are, then punish them for it.

Or maybe they leave the church because they're tired of dealing with hateful, judgmental people. Just a thought.

BTW, very few of the atheists I know are gay.
Since most religious people are filled with contempt and hate, does that mean that most hate crimes are committed by religious people?...same logic, same insane conclusion!
heaven and hell might be the same place. If that is so and the differentiation is based on the company we keep, would a place populated by homosexuals exclusively be heaven or hell to you?
There is a large community of the church of england that are homosexual and these are christians.

Oh yeah and they are accepted
Most homosexuals are NOT atheists. Do some objective research before you start making such claims.

The folks in the LGBT section of Y!A is not a true cross section of the gays in our society. 95% of the gays I personally know are pagan. Does that mean I can generalize to the larger population? In a word, no.

The real problem w/ you question is bad logic. Just because A implies B does not mean thet the converse, B implies A, is true.
It always amazes me how some of you come up with all these assumptions. Do you do it deliberately or do you have to work at it?
you are one dumb-a**, your sexuality doesn't define your religion, and your religion doesn't define your sexuality.

You do realize that there are a lot of homosexuals that are christian.

Definition of Gay:
Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.